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Introducing, the $3 Voiceover Webpage
For Use With Fiverr or Anything You Like

Use a "SampleSite" to Show Extra Examples of Your Work, or to even serve as Your Own Simple Voiceover Web Page!

I created my first SampleSite to give myself a place to showcase more examples of my voiceover work than Fiverr allows gives us room for. It occurred to me others might benefit from it too, and…well… that's how SampleSites was born.

Click to view page

SampleSites are hosted at their own special domain, called "moredemos.com" Your URL will be something nicely brief and simple like "moredemos.com/williamg." On it, you can share audios, videos, images, and PDFs, as well as your headshot, and an intro about yourself, and what makes you special.

Click to view page

Nothing to it!

Supply me with a link to your gig, your Fiverr gig image, a little ad copy, and your demos, and you'll be up and running with your own SampleSite page in days...complete with a link you can add to your Fiverr gig description.

People Like Them.

My SampleSite has worked wonders for me. Everyone who sees my Fiverr gig goes there first. I even have great success with it on Upwork and Backstage.

Gary Hubbard

What They Don't Know, CAN Hurt You​​

If buyers aren't aware of your full range of skills, you may find yourself losing out to another seller who offers something closer to what they need. Be the seller who leaves no doubt in buyers' minds that you've got what it takes, by demonstrating the entire gamut of your capabilities! If a SampleSite wins you just one order in a year, it will have been worth the money...and after that, it's all gravy!

SampleSite "Scroll-Throughs"


For people just starting out in voiceovers, SampleSites is the perfect primer voiceover website.


We have special permission from Fiverr for the SampleSites service, and have documentation you can supply if it is ever requested.


Voiceover people who use platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, etc., will appreciate the extra elbow room a SampleSite gives them to share more of their work.


As a fellow voiceover person, I understand your needs, and can support you as a colleague!


Mention this page when you order, and you'll get my full two-hour course, "Climbing the Ladder on Fiverr," loaded with great advice and ideas, free of charge.

10 Demo SampleSite for One Year - $36: ORDER
20 Demo SampleSite for One Year - $48: ORDER
30 Demo SampleSite for One Year - $60: ORDER

After ordering, please email me the following items:
  1. Your gig image
  2. Link to your Fiverr gig
  3. Any brief sales text you'd like included
  4. Your demos (audio, video, images, and PDF documents are all ok!

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions