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Turning Radio (and Podcast) Skills into Voiceover Income

Radio is a Natural Stepping Stone!

Voiceover work has a natural appeal to radio people and podcasters...and that only makes sense. The same things that drew you and me toward radio are there to be had in the voiceover area. Once again, we find ourselves behind the mic, using our voices in creative ways in a performance art (and one that can pay very, very well).

Decades of Experience…on Both Sides!

Because of their experience (and natural abilities), radio people have the wind at their backs as they move into voiceover work. As someone who spent 20 years in radio, and now over-20 years successfully freelancing, Dane is able to give you solid insights into what it takes to move forward with this really fun pursuit, and turn it into extra income.

We'll talk about the ways voiceover technique differs from radio technique, and how to develop styles that are highly in demand among those who hire voiceover people. We'll geek out on gear, software, home studio setup, and demo creation. We'll talk about the many ways we can offer our services. And we'll wrap up with a fun tour of Dane's voiceover studio, which is fully modern, but with many "retro" touches that fellow radio people will enjoy.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Understand how the skills and attributes you've gained in radio will serve you well as a voiceover actor
  2. Know the areas where radio people often need to adjust and adapt their style and skillset when moving into voiceover work
  3. Hear about the many ways you can get voiceover work and market yourself
  4. Get the straight story on how the right priorities can get you up and running faster and less expensively
  5. Understand where to put the focus as you transition into voiceovers.
  6. We wrap up with a tour of Dane's recording studio, with its "retro radio" touches

Loved the course. Dane is such an excellent teacher and knows how to get the best out of his pupils. If you're just getting in to VO or are looking for help to "step up" to that next level Dane can help you do it. I learned a lot here and will be reviewing it again and again to glean for every nugget I can get. Panning for gold, right Dane?!

Dane does a great job of giving clear instruction and at the same time includes real life application of the instruction. I appreciate his explanations on how folks with a radio background need to change-up to be successful in the VO world. Great common sense instruction. Thanks Dane!

As a current broadcaster, I really appreciated Dane's experience and his ability to share it in a compelling presentation. I took plenty of notes in sections I knew would be a personal challenge. I also appreciate that after the course is done, I can go back and listen again! The tour was enjoyable as well and was a nice "change" from so many small booths advocated in other places. Thanks, Dane!


Dane's explanation of the similarities and differences will help you proceed with more confidence if you choose to pursue voiceover work.


Dane lays out a clear roadmap that makes it easy to understand how to get from where you are now, to where you need to be if you want to be a voice actor.


Prepare to be surprised on inexpensively you can start doing VO work, even if you have no gear at all to start with.


Know how to put the best version of yourself forward in your demo, for more work.

Be Prepared to be Pleasantly Surprised!

All my courses have been moved from my website to Udemy, where they are offered at a BIG discount (at times sale-priced to almost free). I'm ok with that. It's rewarding to me to know they're helping people. Get this previously $99 course for much less right now, by hitting the blue button below.

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions