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What Makes a Gig Image WORTH $49?.
Dane's "Fiverr Power Images"

Picture This

Just for a moment, think of Fiverr as a shopping district. The buyers are shoppers, driving along, searching for the place where they'd like to do business. And your gig image? That's your sign out front! If the sign attracts their eye, you've just GREATLY improved the odds they'll tap the brakes and check you out.

That's why it's so crucial that your gig image…your "sign," jumps out at the buyer and demands their attention. Once you've have it, it's up to other elements such as our demo, pricing, ratings, title, etc., to do their job. But without a successful "eye grab" on the search results page, none of the rest will do you much good.

The Same Little Game, Hundreds of Times

As I hold Gig Doctor Checkup sessions with Fiverr sellers, one thing we do consistently is to play a little game that demonstrates the power of the gig image. The game not only teaches them something valuable, but I gather some info from each of them that helps me as well. The combined result of their reactions to the game has given me a clear sense of what reliably and predictably "works" in gig images (and what doesn't).

Summed up in 25 Words or Less…

My research-proven "Power Images," which consistently grab the attention of potential buyers, have three things in common:
They are bold, simple, and…human!

Let's Look at Some Examples

Bold, Simple, Human

As you can see, the focus is on a very simple message, big, bold text that contrasts starkly against the background, a close-in face with direct eye contact, and a color scheme that refuses to be ignored.

More Examples

What You Get


When it comes to gig images, less is more, so I'll be recommending reducing the number of words in the gig image to an absolute minimum.


Don't expect timid designs. My gig images are designed to jump off the page, smack the buyer, and say, "hey, look right here!"


I'm a strong believer in the power of eye contact. In my research, a close-in face is an extremely potent attention-getter.


If you have a brand that can be conveyed well in your gig image, let's incorporate it!

A Consistent Look

If you have multiple gigs, consider having fresh gig images done for all of them, so you can give them an "iconic consistency," but each with its own color scheme. Fiverr recommends that approach, because it gives your Fiverr profile a very professional, well-thought-out appearance. You can specify a quantity of gig images you want done when you place your order below.


Mention this page when you order, and you'll get my two hour course, "Climbing the Ladder on Fiverr," loaded with great advice and ideas, free of charge.

© 2024 Tunetracker Systems LLC, dba Dane Scott Productions